Location: New York, NY

John Stewart Russell, who also goes by Jonathan and Stewart, is a prolific pedophile with a fetish for Asian girls. He has molested and raped several girls. These are some of their very graphic stories: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h3uEoqR5oyZTuX0bkZiGcCjbmpMvDqbfcbSBGedl8bc/mobilebasic

The fact that this man isn’t behind bars for life is a testament to how broken our justice system is.

Read more about him here: https://www.pressreader.com/usa/new-york-daily-news/20200913/281797106410625

And here: https://www.ourherald.com/articles/sexual-contact-with-girl-admitted-by-bethel-man/

And here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2jFKgCQAAAAJ&hl=en

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