Mission: To provide a free platform to assist in the information gathering and promotion of safety to escorts around the globe.
Busting Bad Men is a free website that assists escorts and escort agencies by alerting them of dead-beat, violent and dangerous johns before they engage and make contact with them in person. Escorts that search potential clients using Busting Bad Men can avoid Scammers, Abusers and Time Wasters while researching information on the client.
We want Escorts and Agencies to have access to information on their client before an in person visit. Safety for Escorts is our priority.
Escorts and Agencies can post free anonymous incident reports to Busting Bad Men such as physical and verbal threats, abuse, violence, rip-offs, time wasters, scammers, or money with-holders. Our focus and priority is to service and facilitate the information and safety of escorts and to enhance all escorts ability to work smarter and safer. We believe the sharing and archiving of this valuable information will make Escorts lives more safe and secure!